Kirjallisuus ja taide Literature and art ARTICLE

Title Kirjallisuus ja taide Literature and art
Is same as work Kirjallisuus ja taide
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1920
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Aamulehti 23.12.1920 (by -o)says: "Lively girls between 11 and 13 years who like good things will find in Anna a sou mate, who interests them and in whom they see a nice friend. They will like to be with her because she leads them to an environment full of fantasy and action, where main character Anna is the soul. She has lost her parents early and has to see many phases and life\'s downsides. Even Vihervaara becomes almost just a drop by place, because they wanted to have a foster son, but mistakenly got a girl. The richness of fantasy and the way to articulate it, that is Anna\'s strongest side, is the thing that solves the case and Anna can stay with the sulking siblings. The writer makes Anna talk about everything in such a speed that the quiet siblings don\'t find time to talk. Despite everything is there a warm heart inside this fragile girl. Her liveliness causes many funny mistakes. She notices this herself, but comforts herself and her foster mother by saying that she has never made the same mistake twice, so at some point the mistakes have to stop. The school life is also worth noticing, but they are best to be red from the book. One has to say that she is a girl full of energy, and her sense of justice makes her sacrifice. When Anna is close to 20 years, stops the development, but there is sequels which this reader waits eagerly. Then happens terrifying things in Vihervaara, the brother dies and the sister almost gets blind, which means loosing the home. To offer Anna\'s promising future dreams - which happens joyfully - saves Vihervaara. Even an older person reads this good girl\'s novel with a great pleasure. One should believe it pleases all the girls that love briskness and joyful life. JWaug16']
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Annan nuoruusvuodet Walldén, Hilja