Slovensko gledališče Slovenian Theatre ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Slovensko gledališče Slovenian Theatre
Is same as work Slovensko gledališče
Part of work
Author Funtek, Anton
Place Slovenia
Date 1891
Notes ['The performance in theatre of Der Goldbauer (Nasledki skrivnostne prisege, 1860) was strongly criticized: “Our actors went to great pains and strived hard with this maudlin production of the (now – thanks to God – almost forgotten) sentimental German woman writer, but without success. Furthermore, this kind of old-fashioned plays, in which nowadays nobody is interested and in which one cannot even take warm interest, should be completely omitted.” With regard to the other play, Die Waise von Lowood (The Orphan of Lowood, Lowoodska sirota, 1853), the reviewer wrote: “Even though the play, as all Birch-Pfeiffer’s plays, is exaggerated in many things, it has nevertheless some nice scenes and it offers to the actor several occasions to develop his art.”\nHERA_TestTB2015']

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In this reception
comments on person Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte
Via received works

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