George Sand George Sand ARTICLE Slovenia

Title George Sand George Sand
Is same as work George Sand
Part of work
Author Pavlina Pajk
Place Slovenia
Date 1876
Notes ['Cf. art. K. Mihurko.\r\nsvd feb09\r\n\r\nPajk says that France has lost one of the biggest writers, the well-known female author of the wittiest works written by a woman’s hand that the world has ever read. In the obituary Sand’s life is presented from her childhood to her death, stressing her unhappy wedlock, unusual way of life for a woman and her engagement in the emancipation of women. Concerning Sand’s work, Pajk does not mention any title, but she focuses on its contents.\r\n\r\nTBnov12']

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In this reception
is obituary of Sand, George (pseudonym)
Via received works

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