*Art. in De Recensent ARTICLE

Title *Art. in De Recensent
Is same as work *Art. in De Recensent
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1817
Notes ["Other sources:\r\n- via materiaal W vdBerg, Huygens Inst.\r\n\r\nArticle presents itself as a translation from an article in the German Jenaïsche Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung, published in June 1816. (which seems to be a translation of the Scott article - to be checked, svd)\r\n\r\n201 (English below):\r\nEr zijn ook eenige Romans in het licht verschenen, welke niet slechts de Kunstregters voldoen, maar ook door het algemeen met groot genoegen gelezen worden. Twee derzelve zijn van vrouwen, die zich reeds door vroegere Werken gunstig bekend gemaakt hadden. Emma, a Novel, by the author of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, 3 deelen, in 8vo., behelst goed bewerkte familietafereelen, in dewelke men thans in Engeland meer smaak begint te krijgen, dan in verhalen van buitengewone en veelal ongeloofelijke voorvallen.\r\n\r\ntransl.:\r\nwork by a “wom[a]n who ha[s] already made a fine reputation for [herself] by [..] earlier Works: Emma, a Novel, by the author of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, [saying it] contains well-painted scenes from family life that are becoming more to the English readers' taste than stories of extraordinary and usually unbelievable events”.\r\nsvd nov 2007\r\n\r\nReception topoi\r\n@reference_reputation_as_an_author"]
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Emma Austen, Jane