Zabeleske sa puta kroz Palestinu, Siriju i Egipat (Notes from the road through Palestine, Syria and Egypt) WORK

Title Zabeleske sa puta kroz Palestinu, Siriju i Egipat (Notes from the road through Palestine, Syria and Egypt)
Is same as work Zabeleske sa puta kroz Palestinu, Siriju i Egipat (Notes from the road through Palestine, Syria and Egypt)
Date 1935
Notes ['Novak Malesevic15. 5 2012.\r\n\r\n\r\nwhy do you think it is a translation ?? svd\r\n\r\nit was not translated, the supposition of reception by Desanka Andjelković was based on mixing up the numbers in Bibliography - Andjelković translated 231, but in the translation section, and this work was 231 in work written in Serbian section. \r\nbd 26. 1. 2014\r\n\r\nis this actually a reception document? svdjun14']
In this reception

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Via received works
Zabeleške sa puta kroz Palestinu, Siriju i Egipat (Notes from the road through Palestine, Syria and Egypt) Desanka Dugalić Nedeljković