Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young adults ARTICLE

Title Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young adults
Is same as work Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1883
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Helsingfors dagblad 15.12.1883 says: "An entertaining little novel that only has the title against itself. It is always hurting to duty stamp a book with a religious stamp, like the value of the book would be consist of the outer stamp. It is as much unnecessary to end every chapter with a verse of a prayer. If truth and moral don\'t come from the story itself, it doesn\'t help with a superimposed bible talk. The book handles a new, seriously raised daughter of a priest, that comes out to the world to her cousins and describes how she doesn\'t only victoriously keep the teachings of her simple home, but also affects refining to her surroundings." JWapr16\n']
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Fader vår. Bilder ur lifvet Unknown translator (to be identified)