Helsingfors Dagblad: Litteratur Literature PUBLICITY Finland

Title Helsingfors Dagblad: Litteratur Literature
Is same as work Helsingfors Dagblad: Litteratur
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1872
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Helsingfors Dagblad 25.7.1872 compares some other writer with Aguilar: "You can maybe remember the moral religious tendency novels that 15-20 years ago made Grace Aguilar\'s name liked by serious and sensitive minds. With the same purpose, through the novel\'s popular form affect for higher religiousness and decency, has the american writer described a young woman\'s way to the heaven. This isn\'t a story with such a comprehensive installation of the plan that Grace Aguilar\'s novels have." JWmar16']

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