Memoirs Of Madame De Staal-De Launay Translated From the French. WORK

Title Memoirs Of Madame De Staal-De Launay Translated From the French.
Is same as work Memoirs Of Madame De Staal-De Launay Translated From the French.
Part of work
Author Hamilton Bell, Cora
Date 1892
Notes ["concerning paratext: [short] Translator's notice An attempt has been made to cast [this translation] into the more formal English of the early part of the Eighteenth Century [...] \r\n\r\np. 5\r\nI do not flatter myself that the events of my life will ever be worthy the attention of any one; and, if I take the trouble to write them down, it is merely to amuse myself with the memory of things which have interested me.\r\nIn romances one sees the heroine, reared as a simple shepherdess, turn out to be a noble princess; with me just the reverse has happened. [...]\r\nsvdjun10chawton"]
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Via received works
Mémoires de Mme de Staal écrits par elle-même Staal de Launay, Marguerite-Jeanne Cordier