Praško pismo A letter from Prague ARTICLE Slovenia

Title Praško pismo A letter from Prague
Is same as work Praško pismo
Author Ivan Lah
Place Slovenia
Date 1918
Notes ['Slovenski narod published an article at the time of publication of Preissová’s new work Zahrady (Gardens, 1918), dedicated to a Slovenian – Dr. Jesenko. The quoted dedication is followed by the author’s biography, in which her kindness to Slovenians is highlighted: “Her hospitable house in Prague has been always opened to every Slovenian guest; she [Preissová] supported joyfully everything that could encourage our cultural ties. Our young people have always found in her a good friend, who wanted them to feel at home.”\nHERA_TestTB2015']

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In this reception
comments on person Gabriela Preissová
mentions person Teréza Nováková
mentions person Božena Viková-Kunětická
Via received works

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