*Art. in Algemeen Handelsblad ARTICLE

Title *Art. in Algemeen Handelsblad
Is same as work *Art. in Algemeen Handelsblad
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1851
Notes ['"In its report of the performance, today’s Zondagsblad tries to prove how wrong the Amsterdam censor was to prohibit the showing of such a highly moral and instructive play on grounds of indecency; and we, who have now become acquainted with this work, must whole-heartedly admit that the evidence [of the Zondagsblad] is overwhelming, and that the municipal censor ought to revoke his ban, if he does not wish to lay himself open to the charge of misconception or arbitrariness."\n(cit. in Martel/van Dijk 2004)']
comments on work Claudie
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Claudie Sand, George (pseudonym)