*Art. in Leeskabinet ARTICLE

Title *Art. in Leeskabinet
Is same as work *Art. in Leeskabinet
Part of work
Author Des Amorie van der Hoeven, Abraham
Date 1853
Notes ['positive\n\nC. des Amorie van der Hoeven (Het Leeskabinet, 1853 II, 1-16) comments in this article that Beecher-Stowe wrote this novel in the kitchen watching her maid cook dinner (a.i. despite being a writer, she kept on looking after the household)\n\nmentioned in Streng: Geschapen om te scheppen, p.59, p.112\nmentioned in Riewald/Bakker, 1982, p. 240-2.\n\nQuoted from Irene Visser in Van Dijk e.a. (eds.), "I have heard about you", Hilversum, 2004.\n\np. 2:\n‘Perhaps it is not fitting for women, in the name of imagination, to write down their caprices and peculiar opinions; but every human being is entitled to take up the pen in the name of the fundamental principles for which he lives, as often as he sees those principles trodden underfoot\'\n\np. 9-10:\n‘it cannot be denied however that Uncle Tom’s Cabin, as a work of art, is very imperfect and has great flaws […] it is first too rambling, then too superficial, and the conclusion hurtles towards a dénouement which is as banal as the conclusion of a vaudeville’. But generally, the reviewers condone these flaws, which ‘disappear under the moral greatness, the profound sensitivity and the ardent love of truth which dominate every page and make the book a masterpiece.’']
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Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly Stowe, Harriet Elisabeth Beecher