Annan unelmavuodet... Anna's dream years... ARTICLE

Title Annan unelmavuodet... Anna's dream years...
Is same as work Annan unelmavuodet...
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1922
Notes ['The writer is T.H.-T, maybe Tyyni Haapanen-Tallgren. The article in the Kansanvalistus ja Kirjastolehti 8/1922 says: "These books follow Anna\'s development through the first youth and dream yours until the home of her own and the first experiences there. The series is now finished. A novel for girls in four parts, over 1000 pages, could cause suspicions. Is this one of those, where writer has prolonged the motive for ever? But the more you read the books, the more you like them. There is a wide picture of the Canadian country life, it\'s beautiful nature and different personalities. The many characters are described with empathy and humour. There are no unnatural good or bad ones, and the heroine herself is a convincing young girl with her faults and virtues, just one with a rich soul. Her psyche isn\'t described very deeply, and it isn\'t the aim either. The novel is sane, fun and recommendable not only for the young but also for the old ones. When compared with the thin girls\' books of today it provides good food for the spirit." JWaug16']
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Annan nuoruusvuodet Walldén, Hilja
Annan unelmavuodet Toini Kalima
Anna omassa kodissaan Walldén, Hilja
Anna ystävämme Walldén, Hilja