The Wise Man of the East; or, The Apparition of Zoaster WORK

Title The Wise Man of the East; or, The Apparition of Zoaster
Is same as work The Wise Man of the East; or, The Apparition of Zoaster
Part of work
Author Unknown reader (to be identified)
Date 1800
Notes ['Author: Thomas Dutton (theatre patron).\nQuoted in at least one negative review of Inchbald.\n\nAccording to Robertson, Dutton published "a long poem that lampooned Inchbald and her play and [...] quickly went into a second edition." \nIt is a poem "far from complimentary about Inchbald" and "[clearly] ridicules [her]".\n\nDutton has Zoroaster appear to Inchbald in a dream, dissecting the play\'s characters.\n\n(Robertson, pp. 117-119)']
In this reception

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Via received works
The Wise Man Of The East. A Play, In Five Acts, Performed At The Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. From The German Of Kotzebue Inchbald, Elizabeth