Qvinnoromanen i England Female novels in England ARTICLE Finland

Title Qvinnoromanen i England Female novels in England
Is same as work Qvinnoromanen i England
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1862
Notes ['Judgment/evaluation :\r\n-\tPositive about author: "I George Eliot har den engelska romanlitteraturen nyligen erhållit en förmåga"[I George Eliot has the english novel litterature recently found a talent]. Also said to have genius.\r\n-\tPositive about work: About "Scenes of clerical life": "Liffulla, gripande och genompoetiska framställning" [lively, touching and throughout poetic presentation]. "Adam Bede": "läst och beundrad på de flesta delar af kontinenten." [Read and admired in the most parts of the continent]. About "Mill on the floss":"kommer att uppskattas lika högt, om ej högre än dess föregångare."[is going to be valued as high as its progenitors, if not higher.] "Hvarenda typ, varje situation och motiv, - allt är så afrundadt, så helt och varmt" [Every type, every situation and motiv, - everything is so round, so complete and warm.]\r\n- Negative about work: About "Silas Marner": "för flygtigt och torfitigt [...] såsom ett utkast" [Too fleeting and simple... like a sketch]\r\n-\t"... BUT ..." för sina fulländade arbeten naturligtvis länge antogs vara karl"[because of her percet work ofcourse was long assumed to be a man].\r\n\r\nTaking the author seriously (or not):\r\n-\tMention of success \r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors : [provide names, with perhaps short comment]\r\n- English female writers generally [are all good in judging of human nature, ]\r\n- Ogle [Eliot and Ogle have the humor which other english writers do not have, they also know how to write about conflicts and fate]\r\n\r\nComparisons to other countries : \r\n[The journalit wants to congratulate England because the role of women in the english culture is so remarkable].\r\n\r\nAn article about english female writers.']

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