Fru Hanna Winsnes som Forfatterinde Mrs Hanna Winsnes as Authoress ARTICLE
Title | Fru Hanna Winsnes som Forfatterinde Mrs Hanna Winsnes as Authoress |
Is same as work | Fru Hanna Winsnes som Forfatterinde |
Part of work | |
Author | Sundt, Christian Ulrik |
Reference | |
Place | |
Date | 1849 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ["Source: Norsk Litteraturkritikks historie 1770-1940, pp 234-236.\nThis seems to be the first review of a contemporary woman's writing in Norway. Praises the author and argues that women could and should write. MNS20"] |
comments on work | Smaa-Digte |
comments on work | Catechismi i fem Parter, udsatte i Vers |
comments on work | Gaader med hosføiet Opløsning |
comments on work | Bibelhistorien udsat i Vers |
comments on work | Lærebok i de forskjellige Grene af Huusholdningen |
In this reception
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Via received works
Smaa-Digte | Winsnes, Hanna |
Catechismi i fem Parter, udsatte i Vers | Winsnes, Hanna |
Gaader med hosføiet Opløsning | Winsnes, Hanna |
Bibelhistorien udsat i Vers | Winsnes, Hanna |
Lærebok i de forskjellige Grene af Huusholdningen | Winsnes, Hanna |