Flickskolan i Finland under förra hälften af detta sekel. Girls school in Finland ARTICLE

Title Flickskolan i Finland under förra hälften af detta sekel. Girls school in Finland
Is same as work Flickskolan i Finland under förra hälften af detta sekel.
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1886
Notes ['In the article in the magazine Finland 20.5.1886 the writer -e.-e.-n. tells: "but a bit more than a year ago I red a novel in three parts by madame Cottin \'Mathilde ou la Princesse de Engleterre\' and translated \'La bergére des Alpes\', and the last-mentioned work got a very prosaic fate." JWapr16 ']
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Mathilde, ou mémoires tirés de l'histoire des croisades Sophie Cottin