*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen ARTICLE

Title *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen
Is same as work *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1857
Notes ['Mentioned in Riewald/Bakker, 1982, p. 251.\r\nsvd jul08.\r\n\r\nForDWW19\r\n- Famous author\r\n- objective showing effects of slavery on society\r\n- novelistic narrative, but contains truth (appendices refering to reality - although difficult to believe that black people had no right to be educated)\r\n- success of the book - future will show us if it will have some effect\r\n- name of the author will also attract Dutch readers - not as much because of the interest in this social problem, but because they want to read a novel\r\n- for those: too many descriptions of the jungle; no real plot\r\n- positive: interesting observations about all kinds of secundary subjects\r\n- reminds of Uncle Tom\r\n- Dred mus not only be read as a novel: contains too many "solid" matter (about religous rigorism for instance; also: parallels to be established between attitude toward slaves in America and toward domestic servants in the NL > in particular: no education; also "slavery" of catholic people who do not feel free to do anything without asking the priest\r\nsvdmar11']
In this reception

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Via received works
Dred; a tale of the Great Dismal Swamp Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe