*Art. in Journal för Svensk Litteratur ARTICLE

Title *Art. in Journal för Svensk Litteratur
Is same as work *Art. in Journal för Svensk Litteratur
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1799
Notes ["via Björkman p. 353\n\nArt. on Swedish translation from 1799. Journalist thinks the translation has a good appearance, and is, concerning the language, mostly correct. He doesn't find out who wrote this work and therefore thinks it is an original, new work. About the storyline he is not positive, it is mediocre, but the style is okay and the character of the main character has been formed good."]
In this reception

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Via received works
Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby à Milady Henriette Campley, son amie Riccoboni, Marie-Jeanne