Uusi Suometar no 300 Nuorisokirjallisuutta Uusi Suometar n. 300 Literature for young adults ARTICLE

Title Uusi Suometar no 300 Nuorisokirjallisuutta Uusi Suometar n. 300 Literature for young adults
Is same as work Uusi Suometar no 300 Nuorisokirjallisuutta
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1896
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Uusi Suometar 24.12.1896 says: "Eithel S. Turner belongs to the remarkable Australian writers. --- You can believe that there is racket in the family, and that\'s why their home is called \'Racket\'. The writer tells funnily about the jokes of the children - as well the nice ones as the bad ones. Because she has skilfully chosen different kinds of characters, is the description even more enjoyable, especially when the minds of the children are mentally correctly described. There is also some kind of nice charm in the style, and it adapts to it\'s subject being half puckish childish, half serious, always the right thing. For grown ups is this book fun, for the more mature young adults it is also suitable. I wouldn\'t recommend it for children. The friskiness of the children often goes too far - even the parents become ridiculed. Although the writer turns everything to it\'s best, is her pedagogical opinion too loose. Turner thinks that children shouldn\'t be made too tame, \'the sparkle of joy, disorder and friskiness\' that is in the nature is in the children, too, and you shouldn\'t try to suppress it. But when this limitless friskiness leads to the parents, too, for example the father spanking his son badly with a leash, because he doesn\'t bother finding a birch, seems that the freedom is just loss of all order. But everyone has his own pedagogy, and when used wisely can all of them give good results. So no more about that. Still, in the book there are such tricks that could tempt the younger ones to mimic without the innocence. The more mature ones can instead in addition to the tricks get all the good things that the book has, and you don\'t have to assume a harmful impact. The translation is good and speaks for the book" The journalist is R.N. JWmar16']
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