Information about ownership: Briefe der Fanny Butlerd an Mylord Carl Alfried von Caitombridge, Grafen von Plisinte, und Herzog von Raflinght Information about ownership LIST

Title Information about ownership: Briefe der Fanny Butlerd an Mylord Carl Alfried von Caitombridge, Grafen von Plisinte, und Herzog von Raflinght Information about ownership
Is same as work Information about ownership: Briefe der Fanny Butlerd an Mylord Carl Alfried von Caitombridge, Grafen von Plisinte, und Herzog von Raflinght
Author Unknown reader (to be identified)
Date 1765
Notes ['Wholesaler Isaac Hahr sold the book to magistrate and and salesman Petter Schwarz in Finland. JWmay16']
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Briefe der Fanny Butlerd an Mylord Carl Alfried von Caitombridge, Grafen von Plisinte, und Herzog von Raflinght Unknown translator (to be identified)