R., *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen ARTICLE

Title R., *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen
Is same as work R., *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1858
Notes ['Article written by -R-\r\nmd\r\n\r\nForDWW19\r\n- information about prehistory of this publication\r\n- journalist recently become less happy with Calcar\'s publications: she is too prolific; yet "we still love her" for her Hermine\r\n- the more happy now with this book with reminds us of the "real" Calcar\r\n- abstract of the work - it is about poverty, history of poverty (slaves, working classes); then: charity\r\n- recommends reading this book to any friend of humanity, and to those who are not\r\nsvdmar11']
In this reception

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Thabita, armoede en weldadigheid Calcar, Elise van