Tyttökirjoja Girls' books ARTICLE

Title Tyttökirjoja Girls' books
Is same as work Tyttökirjoja
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Author Tyyni Tuulio
Date 1921
Notes ['The article in the magazine Kansanvalistus ja kirjastolehti 7-8/1921 says: "The girls\' books are a quite new phenomen in the Finnish literature for the young, but during the last years they are plenty of them published. In it\'s best form this genre is no doubt in place: fun, brisk and well written girls\' book is much more healthy for a developing girl that those sweet women\'s novels or cheap pastime books that they are eagerly looking for. Unfortunately there are among the girls\' books average and even worthless books as well, and one must see it as a damage if this kind of books would be the main food for the minds of the young girls, if they could read better literature. Among the girls\' books this time the first rank must go to L. M. Montgomery\'s \'Annan nuoruusvuodet\'. Story of the life of the moody and romantic small orphan and her development in a small Canadian society is healthy, fresh and full of lightening humour, the characters are living human beings ja and the description of the nature is more colourful than usually. Books for the young that have as theme development in it\'s best meaning but without preaching, have always affect. \n\nL.T.M. M e a d e: \'Rosenhillin tytöt\' is a boarding school book in the older style, more a children\'s book than a girls\' book. It has a strong, religious-pedagogical fundament, the descriptions of the characters seem to fitting, but the way of telling is ponderous, there is not a glimpse of humour and the endless school plots and fights that fill all of the book are frankly speaking boring, but maybe not for those to whom the book is aimed." JWaug16 \n\n']
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Rosenhillin tytöt Salme Liisa Hirn
Annan nuoruusvuodet Walldén, Hilja