Filelfo, Giovanni Mario, Liber Isattaeus, [...] (Book of Isotta.....) WORK Austro-Hungarian Empire
Title | Filelfo, Giovanni Mario, Liber Isattaeus, [...] (Book of Isotta.....) |
Is same as work | Liber Isattaeus, [...] (Book of Isotta.....) |
Part of work | |
Author | Filelfo, Giovanni Mario |
Reference | |
Place | Austro-Hungarian Empire |
Date | 1468 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['5TrSchoolFeb13\r\n\r\nFilelfo, Giovanni Mario, "Liber Isattaeus, de pudicissimae virginis et generosae et praestantissime mulieris veronensis moribus, doctrinaque, vita et morte", in Opera quae Supersunt Omnia, accedunt Angelae et Zeneverae Nogarolae epistolae et carmina ("Book of Isotta, chaste maiden of the noble and most generous Verona woman character, her learning, life and death" in Complete Writings, including letters and poems from Angela and Ginevra Nogarola), vol. 2, pp. 360-90, ed. Eugenius Abel, 2 vols. (Vienna: Gerold & Cie., 1886, Budapest: Fridericum Kilian \r\n\r\nJudgment/evaluation :\r\n-\tPositive about author (the final sonnet commended her as one in whom there was “no stain or defect” possessed of “a chaste body, incorruptible heart”).'] |
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