*Preface in the Book "Christomatheia korasiaki.." WORK Ottoman Empire

Title *Preface in the Book "Christomatheia korasiaki.."
Is same as work *Preface in the Book "Christomatheia korasiaki.."
Part of work
Author Sappho Leontias
Place Ottoman Empire
Date 1874
Notes ['In the Preface of the textbook titled "Christomatheia korasiaki, pros chrisin ton parthenagogion eis deka tomous dia tas treis periodous tis korasiakis ekpaideuseos" [Christomatheia for females. to be used in the girls\' schools, written in ten volumes), vol. 1, Smyrna: the Phoenix, 1875-1877, Leontias mentions that she has been influenced by the education system of Carpantier, an influence that is reflected in the book. (KDapr12)']

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