Jorge Sand ARTICLE Spain
Title | Jorge Sand |
Is same as work | Jorge Sand |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown journalist (to be identified) |
Reference | |
Place | Spain |
Date | 1876 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['Biographical details, physical description (sweet and cute, small hands etc. Heine’s description), male costume.\r\nThey mentioned the works: Rosa y Blanca, Un invierno en Mallorca, Indiana, Valentina, El Marqués de Villemer.\r\nThey mentiones her relations with Sandeu, Chopin, Dumas.\r\nThey speak about her interest in philosophical and political issues, not remarks about immoral episodes of her life, mistic.\r\n\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12 BR\r\n\r\n["La Guirnalda" is a journal for women and maybe the journalist was a woman] \r\n\r\n-Judgment/evaluation :\r\n\r\n--Positive about author \r\n...."BUT"....: she/he praises the imagination of Sand and her clean feelings and she/he says that everybody has made mistakes, so no one can judge Sand. She/he also says that in front of Sand\'s tomb no one should be able of accusing her for things that were not sins but behaviors against the social habits that Sand made with good intentions.\r\n[Saying all this what the journalist means to do is apologize Sand for things that she/he considers not right].\r\n\r\n"Comprenderlo todo seria perdonarlo todon ha dicho\r\nMad. Stael. En esta lucha de la vida, ¡quién que tenga Animo\r\nlibre, corazón sereno, conciencia limpia, espíritu abierto\r\nA todos los sentimientos nobles, imaginación poderosa para\r\nremontarse por encima de todas las preocupaciones y hasta\r\nde las convenciones sociales; quién, decimos, es capaz de\r\nevocar ante esa tumba que acaba de abrirse, recuerdos, no\r\nya de faltas que cada cual absuelve en lo interior de su conciencia,\r\nsino de contravenciones de la ley social, confesadas\r\nsin rubor ni cinismo y originadas, después de todo, por altos\r\ny respetables sentimientos\'!\r\n\r\n\r\n--Postive about work: The journalist praises the talent of Sand and her ability to create passionate characters and great arguments and scenes. She /he also praises her inspiration, and her deep sensibility for nature, art and music.\r\n\r\n"El talento de Jorge Sand era incontestable: sus caracteres\r\ndistintivos consistían en un don particular de observación\r\ninterior para seguir los progresos de las pasiones; una\r\nimaginación poderosa, que crea jugando fábulas, escenas y\r\npersonajes, todo un mundo ideal y encantador; una inspiración\r\nespiritualista, casi mística; un profundo sentimiento\r\nde la naturaleza y del arte, de la música, sobre todo, de la\r\ncual habla como maestro".\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n-Taking the author seriously :\r\n--Reference to reputation acquired \r\n--Mention of success\r\n\r\n\r\n-Providing anecdotes about her :\r\n\r\n--Early talents as a writer: [she showed soon her ingenious and her preferences for art]: "Allí mostró ya, en edad temprana, la encantadora viveza de su espíritu, sus aficiones artísticas y su fecundo ingenio".\r\n \r\n--Beauty (according to Heine description): sweet and cute, small hands etc. \r\n\r\n--Marriage and motherhood and separation. They also mention another relationshiops as the one with Chopin\r\n\r\n--Life struggles and hardships\r\n\r\n--Education: They try to make a religious mistic woman of Sand and they do not insist so much on the way that "philosophical works make her change her imagination\'s way":\r\n\r\n"fué llevada a un convento de señoras agustinas inglesas establecido en París, donde permaneció tres años.\r\nAllí mostró ya, en edad temprana, la encantadora viveza\r\nde su espíritu, sus aficiones artísticas y su fecundo ingenio.\r\nLa lectura del Evangelio y de la Imítación de Cristo,\r\ninspiró a su alma una ardiente devoción y el más exajerado\r\nmisticismo. Más tarde imprimió uu rumbo contrario A su\r\nimagiación el estudio de algunas obras filosóficas y la afición\r\ncon que se consagró a la política".\r\n\r\n-Financial aspects, referring to :\r\n\r\n--Money earned as a writer\r\n\r\n-Comparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\r\nNone\r\n\r\n-Comparisons to/mentions of male authors : \r\n--In positive sense (for this author): Jules Sandeu, Dumas (she wrote as much as him)\r\n\r\n-Comparisons to other countries:\r\nNone \r\n\r\n-Gender: \r\nNot Corresponds to female norms (pos.): "varonil espíritu" (male spirit).'] |
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