¿Estará en la sangre? (Is it in the blood?) ARTICLE
Title | ¿Estará en la sangre? (Is it in the blood?) |
Is same as work | ¿Estará en la sangre? (Is it in the blood?) |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown journalist (to be identified) |
Reference | |
Place | |
Date | 1857 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['Short note reporting that Teodoro Guerrero has written to Coronado recommending Elena Gómez de Avellaneda to her attention, for inclusion in the Galería de poetisas.\r\nSearch: "Carolina Coronado" in La Discusión through Hemeroteca Digital.\r\n\r\nHP Mar2014 HERA'] |
In this reception
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Via received works
Galería de poetisas contemporáneas: Introducción (Gallery of contemporary women poets: Introduction) | Coronado de Perry, Carolina |