Selma Lagerlöf ja suomalaiset Selma Lagerlöf and the Finnish people ARTICLE

Title Selma Lagerlöf ja suomalaiset Selma Lagerlöf and the Finnish people
Is same as work Selma Lagerlöf ja suomalaiset
Part of work
Author Krohn, Helmi
Date 1912
Notes ['Judgment/evaluation :\r\n-\tPositive about author \r\no\tReason : moral (religion related)value: has "love and deep understanding for human nature"\r\no\tReason : aesthetic value: is a "real artist"\r\n\r\n-\tPositive about work\r\no the work descripes Finnish people with warmth and empathy\r\n\r\n-\tNegative about author\r\no\tnone\r\n]\r\n-\tNegative about work\r\no\tnone\r\n\r\nTaking the author seriously (or not):\r\n-\tReference to [good/bad] reputation already acquired \r\n-\tMention of success\r\n\r\nRecurrent elements of image building (gendered clichés, anecdotes) :\r\n-\tTalent for activities other than writing\r\n\r\nFinancial aspects, referring to :\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors : [provide names, with perhaps short comment]\r\n- none\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors : [provide names, with perhaps short comment]\r\n- none\r\n\r\nComparisons to other countries : [provide names of countries, with perhaps short comment]\r\n- understand the Finnish people who live in Sweden far away from home\r\n\r\nGender-[biased comments : ]\r\n-\tCorresponds (or not) to female norms: warm and emphatic \r\n\r\nConsidering the author’s use of (a minor) language as:\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\nThe transalator of the work, Helmi Krohn, writes once again a long summary about the book. This article is meant to celebrate Lagerlöf\'s visit to Finland. This article can also be regarded as a guideline for people reading the book: they should pay attention to the description of Finnish people - wchih the reviewers have not done. This article can also be regarded as an advertisement.\r\n\r\nJW2013']
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Liljecronas hem Lagerlöf, Selma