Frei Heitor Pinto, Imagem da Vida Christã (“Da Verdadeira Amizade”) Picture of the Christian Life ("About True Friendship") WORK

Title Frei Heitor Pinto, Imagem da Vida Christã (“Da Verdadeira Amizade”) Picture of the Christian Life ("About True Friendship")
Is same as work Frei Heitor Pinto, Imagem da Vida Christã (“Da Verdadeira Amizade”)
Part of work
Author [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made]
Date 1572
Notes ['Cf.\r\nAnne Marie Quint, «Joana da Gama: une femme écrivain dans le Portugal du 16è siècle » in : Anne Marie Quint (ed.) Modèles et innovations. Etudes de Littérature portugaise et brésilienne, Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1995.\r\n\r\nFurther information: _Imagem da Vida Christã_ was the most published and translated “best-seller” of a 16th Century Portuguese author. It is significant that this very praised and very much read author has read and incorporated quotations of Joana da Gama in this work.\r\nInfoVAfeb10\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12pu\r\n\r\nQuoting:\r\n- yes (check text)']
is intertextual to Ditos da Freyra
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Via received works
Ditos da Freyra Joana da Gama