Title |
Frei Heitor Pinto, Imagem da Vida Christã (“Da Verdadeira Amizade”) Picture of the Christian Life ("About True Friendship") |
Is same as work |
Frei Heitor Pinto, Imagem da Vida Christã (“Da Verdadeira Amizade”)
Part of work |
Author |
[unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made]
Reference |
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Date |
1572 |
Quotation |
Type |
Notes |
['Cf.\r\nAnne Marie Quint, «Joana da Gama: une femme écrivain dans le Portugal du 16è siècle » in : Anne Marie Quint (ed.) Modèles et innovations. Etudes de Littérature portugaise et brésilienne, Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1995.\r\n\r\nFurther information: _Imagem da Vida Christã_ was the most published and translated “best-seller” of a 16th Century Portuguese author. It is significant that this very praised and very much read author has read and incorporated quotations of Joana da Gama in this work.\r\nInfoVAfeb10\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12pu\r\n\r\nQuoting:\r\n- yes (check text)']