Information about ownership: Marie bästa del Information about ownership LIST

Title Information about ownership: Marie bästa del Information about ownership
Is same as work Information about ownership: Marie bästa del
Author Unknown reader (to be identified) , ~~reader(s) female (name below)
Date 1776
Notes ['Bourgeois Sunn Pehr sold the book to salesman Isac H. Lihr 1776, Isac H. Lihr sold it to notary of the city and mayor Abraham Magnus Alfthan 1784. Captain, bourgeois Johan Forsius sold a book with the same title to butcher Eric Tammelin 1792, and bourgeois Hellström to smith Ramstedt 1799, and widow of a customs officer Maria Borgström to master Joelsson 1806. Listed also in the estate inventory deed of wife Anna Margaretha Bäckman 1775, wife Maria Elisabeth Tesche 1781, senior tailor Mårten Rönnberg 1784, Abraham Magnus Alfthan 1788, Johan Forsius 1791, Maria Borgström 1806, bourgeois Matts Sander 1809, widow, wife of the mayor, Elisabeth Catharina Miltopé 1809, Johan Walheim 1799, magistrate and salesman Johan Holm 1776, widow of a magistrate and salesman Anna Maria Holm (Govenius) 1800, sexton Jacob Hultman 1779, miss Sofia Helena Ahlroth 1802. JWmay16']
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Mariæ bästa del eller Thet ena nödwändiga Elisabeth Stierncrona , Elisabeth Stierncrona