Litteratur och konst. Innan småttingarna somna. Literature and art PUBLICITY

Title Litteratur och konst. Innan småttingarna somna. Literature and art
Is same as work Litteratur och konst. Innan småttingarna somna.
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1886
Notes ['An advertisement in Helsingfors Dagblad says "The writer\'s name is a guarantee of the pure content of the stories. Surely many small children shall read these on christmas eve". An advertisement also in Nya Pressen 1.12.1886, Vasabladet 4.12.1886, Hufvudstadsbladet 12.12.1886 ("with six drawings", "can safely be recommended for all mothers and fathers when they visit book boxes"), Björneborgs Tidning 18.12.1886, Uleåborgs tidning 20.12.1886, Nya pressen 17.12.1888 ("to children from 5 to 8 years old", "really lovely stories from Louise Alcott, which show that the writer is living fruitful times. Also a 9 year old authority has told us, that the stories are fun"). JWfeb16']
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Innan småttingarne somna Unknown translator (to be identified)