*Art. in Kirjallinen Kuukauslehti ARTICLE

Title *Art. in Kirjallinen Kuukauslehti
Is same as work *Art. in Kirjallinen Kuukauslehti
Part of work
Author Bergbom, Kaarlo
Date 1868
Notes ['An article in the newspaper Kirjallinen kuukausilehti 1.1.1868. En qvinna af vår tid says to be an European, cosmopolitain novel, at the same time aristocratic and conservative. Bergbom thinks that emancipation might be on it\'s way to Finland. The writer seems sometimes to be a brilliant cosmopolite, sometimes a pedant academic. About the geniality of the protagonist there are no proofs, although we are told about it. The language is fluent and pretty. Kieli sujuvaa ja somaa. Text is like "printed flowers that have not lost their smell but are not fresh anymore". JWaug18\nComparison to George Sand (Secrétaire intime) and Hahn-Hahn (Ilda Schönholm)\ninfo KLaunis\nsvdnov11']
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En qvinna af vår tid. Karaktersteckning af Stella Marie Linder