Käännöskirjallisuutta Translated literature PUBLICITY

Title Käännöskirjallisuutta Translated literature
Is same as work Käännöskirjallisuutta
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1919
Notes ['The advertisement in the newspaper Karjalan aamulehti 22.7.1919 says: "There isn\'t much good literature for the youth but the American Alcott offers for her little friends every time something that entertains them and that both educates and renovates. The writer has got her fame among the educators and the young as well. -----To be red in the group of youngsters and discussing the lives of boys time is spent pleasantly and also in the educating little squabble." JWnov16']
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Plumfieldin pojat ja mitä heistä tuli Emma Charlotta Soininen Voipio