* Mention of Mrs Humphry Ward in "Critical Studies" ARTICLE England
Title | * Mention of Mrs Humphry Ward in "Critical Studies" |
Is same as work | * Mention of Mrs Humphry Ward in "Critical Studies" |
Part of work | |
Author | La Ramée, Maria Louise de |
Reference | |
Place | England |
Date | 1900 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['"As for the length of novels nowadays, my own \'Massarenes\', published in 1897, contains precisely the same number of words as \'Esmond\', and, I think, Mr Mallock\'s novels, and those of Mrs Humphry Ward, must surely be quite as long, whilst Mr Hall Caine\'s marvellous narratives appear as endless as \'the thread of Time reel\'d off the wheel of Fate.\' " p. 184\r\n\r\nAsK October 2010'] |
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