Selma Lagerlöf ARTICLE Finland
Title | Selma Lagerlöf |
Is same as work | Selma Lagerlöf |
Part of work | |
Author | Krohn, Helmi |
Reference | |
Place | Finland |
Date | 1912 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['Judgment/evaluation :\r\n-\tPositive about author \r\no\tReason : moral (religion related)value\r\no\tReason : aesthetic value\r\n- Positive about work: writes in a fresh, new and odd way\r\n-\tNegative about author\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\n-\tNegative about work : one cannot find much there in an intellectual way, the books are not ready but one must compose and bridge them when reading (this can also be a positive thing)\r\n\r\nTaking the author seriously (or not):\r\n-\tReference to [good/bad] reputation already acquired \r\n-\tMention of success\r\n-\tMention of award(s)\r\n\r\nRecurrent elements of image building (gendered clichés, anecdotes) :\r\n-\tEarly talents as a writer\r\n-\tTalent for activities other than writing\r\n-\tEducation\r\n\r\nFinancial aspects, referring to :\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors : [provide names, with perhaps short comment]\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors : [provide names, with perhaps short comment]\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\nComparisons to other countries : [provide names of countries, with perhaps short comment]\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\nGender-[biased comments :\r\n-\tCorresponds (or not) to female norms: “Selma Lagerlöf ei tahdokaan puhua järki-ihmiselle, vaan lapselle meissä (S.L does not want to talk to the reason in us but to the child in us)”, “Hänessä itsessään on siksi paljon lasta, jos niin saan sanoa, että hän meissäkin herättää lapsen henkiin (There is so much child inside of her as well, that she is able to awaken the child inside of us)” “Hän, tuo juhlittu ja ihailtu kirjailijatar, astuu siinä suuren, loistavan seuran eteen kuin lapsi, joka on tarttunut isänsä käteen kiinni (She, a celebrated and admired writer, enters in front of the audience like a child who has taken the her father’s hand)”\r\n-\tLinking gender to genre: Lagerlöf writes fairy tales for adults as well\r\n\r\nConsidering the author’s use of (a minor) language as:\r\n-\tnone\r\n\r\nThis article by the translator of Lagerlöf, Helmi Setälä, pictures Lagerlöf as a child talking to the child in us. One cannot understand her writings with intelligence, but only with feeling. \r\nJW2013'] |
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