*Review of South Africa, Past and Present ARTICLE

Title *Review of South Africa, Past and Present
Is same as work *Review of South Africa, Past and Present
Part of work
Author UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown]
Date 1900
Notes ['Country of publication supposition. jdgmar16\n\nPublished in the Outlook, 2 june 1900, p. 570.\n\nReview mentioned by Elizabeth Riedi (p. 10):\n"The far-right imperialist paper the Outlook, for example, found her \'delightfully and convincingly dogmatic ... we recommend this book as a fair and able statement of the whole question\'. "']
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South Africa, past and present; an account of its history, politics and native affairs, followed by some personal reminiscences of African travel during the crisis preceding the war Markham, Violet Rosa