Jorge Sand, Sección de Literatura. Liceo Valenciano nº 16 ARTICLE

Title Jorge Sand, Sección de Literatura. Liceo Valenciano nº 16
Is same as work Jorge Sand, Sección de Literatura. Liceo Valenciano nº 16
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1841
Notes ['MBurguera Jan11\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12 BR\r\n\r\nThis item should be deleted. The same article has been entered three times as reception of three works, when in real it is an article about the author where lots of works are mentioned. I have entered it as "George Sand, the author" reception and I have aplicated the template adding also the information about the works that are mentioned, the works that are commented and the works that the author has quotted.']
comments on work Indiana
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Indiana Sand, George (pseudonym)