The Life of Charlotta du Pont An English Lady; Taken from her own Memoirs. Giving an Account how she was trepan'd by her Stepmother to Virginia, how the Ship was Taken by some Madagascar Pirates, and retaken by a Spanish Man of War. Of her Marriage in the Spanish West-Indies, and Adventures whilst she resided there, with her return to England. And the History of several Gentlemen and Ladys whom she met withal in her Travels; some of whom had been Slaves in Barbary, and others cast on Shore by Shipwreck on the barbarous Coasts up the great River Oroonoko: with their Escape thence, and safe Return to France and Spain. A History that contains the greatest Variety of Events that ever was publish'd. WORK
Title | The Life of Charlotta du Pont An English Lady; Taken from her own Memoirs. Giving an Account how she was trepan'd by her Stepmother to Virginia, how the Ship was Taken by some Madagascar Pirates, and retaken by a Spanish Man of War. Of her Marriage in the Spanish West-Indies, and Adventures whilst she resided there, with her return to England. And the History of several Gentlemen and Ladys whom she met withal in her Travels; some of whom had been Slaves in Barbary, and others cast on Shore by Shipwreck on the barbarous Coasts up the great River Oroonoko: with their Escape thence, and safe Return to France and Spain. A History that contains the greatest Variety of Events that ever was publish'd. |
Is same as work | The Life of Charlotta du Pont An English Lady; Taken from her own Memoirs. Giving an Account how she was trepan'd by her Stepmother to Virginia, how the Ship was Taken by some Madagascar Pirates, and retaken by a Spanish Man of War. Of her Marriage in the Spanish West-Indies, and Adventures whilst she resided there, with her return to England. And the History of several Gentlemen and Ladys whom she met withal in her Travels; some of whom had been Slaves in Barbary, and others cast on Shore by Shipwreck on the barbarous Coasts up the great River Oroonoko: with their Escape thence, and safe Return to France and Spain. A History that contains the greatest Variety of Events that ever was publish'd. |
Part of work | |
Author | Aubin, Penelope |
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Date | 1723 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes |
is edition of | The Life of Charlotta du Pont |