*Presence in Hedwig von Radics' catalogue (Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics ) CATALOGUE
Title | *Presence in Hedwig von Radics' catalogue (Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics ) |
Is same as work | *Presence in Hedwig von Radics' catalogue (Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics ) |
Part of work | |
Author | |
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Date | 1898 |
Quotation | |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['German translation: Schiffe, die Nachts sich begegnen.\r\n\r\nTBmar12'] |
lists work | Ships That Pass in the Night |
In this reception
No persons found
Via received works
Ships That Pass in the Night | Harraden, Beatrice |