Helsingfors Dagblad Böcker för barn och ungdom Books for children and young people PUBLICITY

Title Helsingfors Dagblad Böcker för barn och ungdom Books for children and young people
Is same as work Helsingfors Dagblad Böcker för barn och ungdom
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1873
Notes ['An advertisement in the newspaper Helsingfors Dagblad 10.12.1873: "is kept in a healthy and nice tone and is suitable for young girls as a lecture", an advertisement also in Vasabladet 1.12.1883, Åbo underrättelser 17.12.1883, Nya pressen 22.12.1892:"The writer\'s name should be a guarantee for the content of the book and it seems to be ment for young girls about 8 or 9 years old. Still, some of the young readers might find this story to be too sweet", also Nya pressen 20.12.1898. JWfeb16']
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Lilla Gertrud och hennes bibel Unknown translator (to be identified)