Dagboks-manin hos unga flickor Diary mania among young girls ARTICLE

Title Dagboks-manin hos unga flickor Diary mania among young girls
Is same as work Dagboks-manin hos unga flickor
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1861
Notes ['The article in the magazine Papperslyktan 11.2.1861 says: "Fanny Lewald utters in her newest work \'Meine Lebensgeschichte\', some fitting words about the quite common immorality among young girls to write a diary, which mostly only feeds and wakens a sick sentimentality. -- The young men and women in the Jacobian novel \'Rosaliens Nachlass\' were especially to my liking. The lukewarm mixture of nobel feelings and light blue veils, of balls and religiosity, of love and pulmonary tuberculosis and dark death hunches was especially in my taste, and while I just at time, thanks to rampant orthopaedic epidemic and systematic treatment, was made sick, so that I had to suffer a lot of pain and difficulties, it wasn\'t hard to imagine the mood of Rosalie\'s soul." JWapr16']
is parody of Lebensgeschichte
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Via received works
Lebensgeschichte Lewald, Fanny