A Selection From The Annals Of Virtue, Of Madame Sillery: Containing the Most Important and Interesting Anecdotes From The Histories Of Spain, Portugal, China, Japan, And America: With some Account of the Manners, Customs, Arts And Sciences Of France WORK

Title A Selection From The Annals Of Virtue, Of Madame Sillery: Containing the Most Important and Interesting Anecdotes From The Histories Of Spain, Portugal, China, Japan, And America: With some Account of the Manners, Customs, Arts And Sciences Of France
Is same as work A Selection From The Annals Of Virtue, Of Madame Sillery: Containing the Most Important and Interesting Anecdotes From The Histories Of Spain, Portugal, China, Japan, And America: With some Account of the Manners, Customs, Arts And Sciences Of France
Author Elizabeth Mary James
Date 1794
Notes ['Ed. Bath: Hazard, 1794\r\n\r\ncontains list of subscribers (7 p.)\r\nmale: 144 (Rev. s; a bishop etc)\r\nfemale: 210\r\n\r\n{Dedication present} by the translator to Lady Catherine Tylney Long.\r\nMadam,\r\nTo rise above the pressure of adversity, and endeavour to ensure success to any future efforts I might make to assist in the support of a much-loved family, were the first motives which induced me to attempt the following Translation [...]\r\n{Money as motif}\r\n\r\nAdvertisement.\r\nTo conduce to the end for which the Original was expressly written, The instruction of childhood and youth; it was found necessary, occasionally, to alter, lengthen and transpose, several of the passages; as well to convey with more precision their exact meaning, as to avoid the tautology and circumlocution which continually occurs in the French narrative: and this it is hoped /will be admitted as a sufficient reason for the deviations from the Original, that will be found in the course of this translation. [...]\r\nsvdjun10chawton']
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Annales de la vertu, ou Cours d'histoire à l'usage des jeunes personnes Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité de