*translation of Talisman of Truth WORK
Title | *translation of Talisman of Truth |
Is same as work | *translation of Talisman of Truth |
Part of work | |
Author | Unknown translator (to be identified) |
Reference | |
Place | |
Date | 1805 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ["translation with title “Sulle Illusioni d’una fantasia troppo vivace, d’una Ladi Inglese” (On the Illusions of a too lively imagination, of an English Lady)\r\n\r\nauthor's name not mentioned, but by una Ladi Inglese' (an English Lady)\r\npublished in Italian language monthly periodical: Museo Itaniano di scelta lettura, opera periodica mensuale, Agosto 1805, tomo 11, nro. V, Vienna in commissione della Libreria Camesina, pp. 120- 126"] |
is translation of | Talisman of truth (from Moral and Sentimental Essays) |
In this reception
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Via received works
Talisman of truth (from Moral and Sentimental Essays) | Giustiniana Wynne |