Female Suffrage ARTICLE England

Title Female Suffrage
Is same as work Female Suffrage
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Author La Ramée, Maria Louise de
Place England
Date 1886
Notes ['P. 293:\r\n"Alexander Dumas fils, the most accomplished, but the most rabid of the advocates of female suffrage, resumes what seems to him the absurdity of the whole system in a sentence. “Mme. de Sévigné ne peut pas voter ; M. Paul son jardinnier [sic] peut voter.“ He does not seem to see that there is as great an absurdity in the fact that were Mme. de Sévigné Monsieur de Sévigné, and were she living now, all her wit and wisdom would fail to confer on her more voting power than would be possessed by “Paul son jardinnier”.\r\n\tWith all deference to him, I do not think that Mme. de Sévigné would have cared a straw to rival Paul, the gardener, in going to the electoral urn. Mme. de Sévigné, like every other woman of wit and mind, had means of exercising her influence so incomparably superior to the paltry one of recording a vote in a herd that she would, I am sure, have had the most profound contempt for the latter. Indeed, her contempt would have probably extended to the whole electoral system and “government by representation.”\r\n\r\nAsK sept2010']

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