Hufvudstadsbladet no 299 Barn o. ungdomsliteratur Literature for children and young people ARTICLE

Title Hufvudstadsbladet no 299 Barn o. ungdomsliteratur Literature for children and young people
Is same as work Hufvudstadsbladet no 299 Barn o. ungdomsliteratur
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1892
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet 23.12.1892 and 24.12.1892 says: "A historical story by well-known writer Miss Yonge, who\'s books with liking are devoured by the educated young people in America, shouldn\'t need any further recommendation. The books handles some young princesses, daughters of Scotland\'s unhappy king Jacob I, that was murdered byt the exasperated and unpleased nobility 1437. The young princesses are send out by their young brother, who cannot protect them from the powerful neighbour\'s haunt, to France where an older sister Margaret is married with Dauphin, later Ludwig XI. During the journey and then in France they have many exhausting adventures from which they are saved by a faithful knight, that is then made happy through their hearts and hands. Of course the description is, like everything from that era, very romantic with knights, noble ladies and dreamy love, but it isn\'t unhealthy or sentimental and can be read by young girls between 15-17 years old." JWfeb16']
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Två prinsessor eller kronor och hjertan. Historisk berättelse från medeltiden Mathilde Langlet