Mme Roland WORK France
Title | Mme Roland |
Is same as work | Mme Roland |
Part of work | |
Author | J. Desplantes , P. Pouthier |
Reference | |
Place | France |
Date | 1890 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['authors: F. Desplantes, P. Pouthier\r\njdegmay12\r\n\r\nstandardizingsept12jdg\r\n\r\nJudgment/evaluation :\r\n-\tPositive about author\r\n\r\nTaking the author seriously :\r\n-\tMention of success\r\n\r\nProviding anecdotes about her :\r\n-\tEarly talents as a writer\r\n-\tMarriage\r\n-\tLife struggles and hardships\r\n-\tEducation\r\n\r\nFinancial aspects, referring to :\r\n-\tNone\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\r\n-\tNone\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors : \r\n-\tNone\r\n\r\nComparisons to other countries : \r\n-\tNone\r\n\r\nGender : \r\n-\tCorresponds to female norms (pos.)\r\n\r\nRefusal of “female” topoi as proposed by the author commented :\r\n-\tNone'] |
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