*Pictures of scenes from Father and Daughter hanging [in?] the Grande Chartreuse PICTURE

Title *Pictures of scenes from Father and Daughter hanging [in?] the Grande Chartreuse
Is same as work *Pictures of scenes from Father and Daughter hanging [in?] the Grande Chartreuse
Part of work
Author Rodolphe Töpffer
Date 1833
Notes ['In: Töpffer, Rudolphe. Nouveaux voyages en zig-zag à la Grande Chartreuse autour du Mont-Blanc, dans les vallées d\'Herenz, de Zermatt, au Grimsel, à Gênes et à la Corniche, illustrés d\'après les dessins originaux de Töpffer par MM. etc. Paris: Victor Lecou, 1854.\n\n=sequel of Dubochet, Voyage en zigzag. Delivered in 64 weekly installments.\n\nWith notice by Sainte-Beuve.\nDescription of Töpffer\'s travels through Switzerland.\n\n--\n\nAccording to Gallica, p.38 describes [incl. one sketch] the "dessin d\'un tableau accroché dans le réfectoire de la Grande Chartreuse : histoire de Cécile, fille de Fitz Henry, séduite par Arthur."\n- Would this not rather be in a nearby inn? To be checked. jdgaug16\n\nUnsure whether here are described drawings of Töpffer, or rather of Phelippeaux. Possibly Töpffer saw paintings of the latter, and used them to make his own sketches.\n\n[They do seem to be 2 different sets of drawings, but this needs to be checked. jdgaug16]']
is adaptation of The father and daughter
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
The father and daughter Opie, Amelia