Don Quijote con faldas; ó Perjuicios morales de las disparatadas novelas The Female Quixote; or, The Adventures of Arabella WORK

Title Don Quijote con faldas; ó Perjuicios morales de las disparatadas novelas The Female Quixote; or, The Adventures of Arabella
Is same as work Don Quijote con faldas; ó Perjuicios morales de las disparatadas novelas
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Author XXXBernardo María de la Calzada
Date 1808
Notes ['Via the French translation Arabella, ou le Don Quichotte Femelle (1801). Info: María Jesús Lorenzo Modia, “Charlotte Lennox’s The Female Quixote into Spanish: a Gender-Biased Translation”, Yearbook of English Studies, 36.1 (2006): 103-144.\n\nForfurtherdiscussion: where it says "English title" you are supposed to put the above title literally translated into English - not (as in this case is indeed confusing) the original title of the English novel) svd 22-2-17']
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The female Quixote; or, the adventures of Arabella Lennox, Charlotte