Il pensiero religioso di una poetessa inglese. Emilia Giovanna Brontë The religious ideas of an English poet Emily Brontë ARTICLE Italy

Title Il pensiero religioso di una poetessa inglese. Emilia Giovanna Brontë The religious ideas of an English poet Emily Brontë
Is same as work Il pensiero religioso di una poetessa inglese. Emilia Giovanna Brontë
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Author Giorgina Sonnino
Place Italy
Date 1904
Notes ['In this article, Giorgina Sonnino talks about writings by Emily Brontë and her sisters.\n\nShe starts with the novel \'Wuthering Heights\', by saying that Brontë\'s contemporaries didn\'t understand the novel and therefore rejected it. "I contemporanei non seppero capirla ed il suo libro, pieno di forza e passione, fu da prima severamente biasimato.” (p.125)\n\nThen Sonnino talks about a poetry book called \'Poems by Currer, Ellis & Acton Bell\'. This book contained poetry from all three Brontë-sisters and was released in 1846 using their pseudonyms. It wasn\'t a great success either: "non fu letto quasi da nessuno, tranne da qualche critico cui era stato mandato dalle autrici stesse." [few people have read them, with exception of some critics whom the author herself had send them]. (p.125)\n\nThe last work Sonnino talks about is an anthology of Emily Brontë\'s poems, released after her death. Finally, a work the audience appreciated. "Ma ci volle una generazione di tempo, perchè i lettori aprissero finalmente gli occhi, e riconoscessero tutto il valore di quei versi; non solo per la forma letteraria, ma principalmente per la forza di pensiero da cui sono animati.” [it will take a generation before readers finally will open their eyes and recognise the value of these poems, not only because of their literary form but above all because of the strong thougths that animate them]. (p.125)\n\n\n(Annette van Tits, 12/6/2006)\n[E.N. june 2012, april 2017]']

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