Gamle Dage: Erindringer og Tidsbilleder The old days: memoirs and impressions of the times WORK

Title Gamle Dage: Erindringer og Tidsbilleder The old days: memoirs and impressions of the times
Is same as work Gamle Dage: Erindringer og Tidsbilleder
Author Conradine Birgitte Dunker
Date 1871
Notes ['"...Mistress Wollstonecraft reiste i Norge og opholdt sig nogen Tid i Tønsberg og i Christiania. Da hun var kommen tilbage til London, udgav hun sin Reisebeskrivelse, hvoraf jeg engang i mine unge Dage har læst en tydsk Oversættelse."\r\nTBjun11\r\n\r\nNB: reception type was "memoir", changed into "mention".\r\nto be specified what kind of "mention" this is, and why "memoir" had been used.\r\nsvdmar14']
In this reception

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Via received works
Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark Wollstonecraft, Mary