Af Onkel Toms Hytte From Uncle Toms Cabin WORK

Title Af Onkel Toms Hytte From Uncle Toms Cabin
Is same as work Af Onkel Toms Hytte
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1852
Notes ['9th Chapter published in Christiania-Posten. ”Aftryk efter Opfordring fra Forlæggeren som en Prøve baade paa Verket og paa den norske Oversættelse” / "Published upon request from the Publisher as a test of both the novel and the Norwegian translation".\n\nHege16\n\nA closer look at the now digitized newspaper reveals that this is a mini-serial of two instalments for Christmas reading. \nføljeton føljetong serialisation\nMNS23']
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Via received works
Uncle Tom's cabin, or Life among the lowly Stowe, Harriet Elisabeth Beecher
Onkel Toms hytte, eller Negerlivet i de Amerikanske Slavestater Thomas Peter Krag